



Mr. Garrity has an extensive background in wood products. He graduated in 1980 from the University of Massachusetts with a
Wood Science and Technology Degree and has worked in the wood products industry since then. He is licensed in Virginia to handle Wood Preservatives and treated lumber and is a member of the Tidewater Woodworkers Guild.

Paul has a background in public speaking. He is just as comfortable in a classroom setting thanks to his education and
completion of the Dale Carnagie "Effective Speaking and Human Relations" course. His knowledge of logs, lumber and wood products has proved helpful to schoolagers and adult clubs. |

Paul uses a Woodmizer bandsaw mill. It can saw a 21-foot by 36-inch diameter by 4,400 pound log. The bandsaw is the
preferred blade due to the better yield and smoothness of cut (less planning required). The mill is 25-feet long. Accessibility, levelness of site and cleanliness of logs are considered when estimating jobs. Most jobs
are charged by the hour and there are damaged-blade charges for metal in logs. |

Paul Garrity is the owner of Garrity Custom Sawing and is the operator of the sawmill. He is a Christian and is active in
his local church, as well as his community. |
